Sunday, August 22, 2010


yup ... babies.

today we went to Mothercare to buy a gift for a friend's new baby.

on the way out, we bumped into my cousin and his wife.

as we came closer to greet them ... i heard the wife saying ...

'eh, beg mothercare! beli apa? kan takde anak.'


this is the same person who said ... 'asyik dukung anak orang ajer, bila nak dukung anak sendiri?' 8 years ago.

how the h*** am i suppose to be ok about not having kids when others just won't let the issue go?

aaarrrgghhhhhh .... nasib baik bulan puasa ... jaga mulut ...

'oh, ni hadiah utk anak kawan ....'

my mood was affected the whole day ... i cried in the car ... kesian hubby ... he was speechless.


  1. i dont know how some people can be so inconsiderate and insensitive to others' feelings. Dont wory Kak Sya, it's always a cycle, this life. She gets it back maybe not from you but from others perhaps on other matters too. Sabar k?

    Bodo punya orang.

  2. it's just the way she is. abg din kata, dia bergurau je kut but i would never say such a thing as a joke. entahlah ...

    i'm ok adel. dah ok ...semalam je berderai hati jap ... harini dah all patched up again :o)
