Monday, August 16, 2010

breaking the cycle

i think i've broken the cycle.

so far, i've ben eating what i want thru my mom's cooking. we make requests and she makes them. well ... not as straight forward as that. she'll make it if she agrees to it. she has the final say to the day's menu but we're free to add anything we want as long as it fits the menu.

well today i wanted baked pasta. i haven't made it for years and mom gave the green light.

the last time i made it was like 8 years ago. i've lost the recipe but i did browsed the net to get an idea of how to do it.

there are so many recipes - baked macaroni and baked pasta are two different recipes.

made it but forgot to take a pic of it. my youngest brother & family came to bteak fast with us. they said it as ok *phew!*

i think it turned out quite ok but it did need a lil more salt, an egg less and abit more curry powder.

other than that, i am one satisfied maam! puas hati dapat makan apa yg sya nak makan.

:o)   can you see me smile? hehehe

ok, back to breaking the cycle.

since i made what i wanted to eat, i ate less of what was on the table. not that i ate alot of what i made but it was like my famishness (is that a word?) reduced.

or is it because of pre-pms? hmm...

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