Tuesday, August 31, 2010

help me, Jillian!

when you're letting your weight creep up & up ... it means you've given up on life and you've signed your death certificate way too early! - this is what i get from Jillian Micheals' programme Losing It With Jillian on Hallmark, although not in so many or exact words.

i do wonder ... how do we get this big? what have we let go that made us gave up on so many things?

i can't speak on my husband's behalf. he has to figure it out himself but i always remind him that i am here & there for him, always.

but who is here & there for me always?

i can't whine about that. why? because it just hit me. why should i want someone to be here & there for me when i am not here & there for myself?! i should be the 1st one here & there for me.

watching the programme has inspired me.

i remember when i was 12 years younger i was energetic & i was taking care of myself. i guess ... no, i know, when i got married, i handed over my life to my husband because i have a husband! that doesn't make sense, right? right! just because he is my husband, he is not responsible for my body or happiness ... that's my job, i am responsible for myself!

my weight begin to pile up because i was unhappy, not with him but myself but, being the coward that i am, i blamed my husband. his weight also increased and it's partly because of me :o(

i have to learn & relearn to be responsible for myself. i have to take care of myself. i can see the light but it's still in the distant. i hope to get closer to it.

i need help, i do but i have to help myself first! i have to start somewhere and that is now.

please sya ... focus!

note to self:
Jangan pandai cakap je Sya, buat le!


  1. Always try to reach for the moon, that way if you cant, at least you will fall among the stars...

    Balik nanti kita gi walk sama2 nak? Kena bawak pepper spray la...:-)

  2. falling among the stars ... hmm... i can do that :o)
