Monday, August 16, 2010


Allah sungguh Maha Menyayangi.

i lost a 'good friend' recently.

no, she didn't passed away.

she dumped me. she has her reasons which i know none of.

we were best friends. on a usual day we were the best of friends and the next day, she just doesn't want to talk, reply my calls or textes, or see me.

i asked what have i done wrong, if i had done any ... she said none and yet i get the silent treatment.

even a blonde can figure it out. i was dumped.

sakit hati. sedih. rindu. marah. geram. bersalah (entah kenapa sya rasa bersalah, mcm lah ada buat silap tapi tak tahu apa dia. kalau ada, bgtahu lah kan?) hairan. kesian. kesal. all the emotions that i went thru and still do for the last 9months trying to figure out what went wrong and why i was treated as such.

i'm finally learning to let go. walk away.

Allah helped me.

this quotation also helped me:

Richard Templar: friendships change ~ there's no reason to feel guilty or resentful towards your friends when life takes you in different directions.

hilang seorang kawan ... ramai yg datang ... not to replace but to help me move on.

alhamdulillah. Sya bersyukur Allah menemukan Sya dgn kawan2 lama dlm FB and juga kawan2 baru :o)

i am moving on.

thank you for being my friend.

to J, i won't wait but i know one day the truth will come out.

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