Friday, August 20, 2010

hari ni dlm kesakitan. angin seluruh badan. tak sendawa @ buang angin langsung kecuali lah masa diurut oleh bidan tadi. selepas berbuka ... sessi kumpul angin lagi! huhuhu

air halia & hotwater bottle mampu mengeluarkan satu sendawa aje ... badan sengal, perut kembung, dada senak ...

kalau tak baik esok ... ke doctorlah saya nanti .....


  1. tak boleh makan anything nutty tau. no kacang, tempe, soy bean pun tak boleh! get well! da try guna that tummy strap? yg org buat cover/tighten perut tu? When i have angin trouble, i use that, and soon enuf angin keluar from all possible ways... hehhe

  2. adel, i'm too bloated to wear any belt ... lagipun tak muat hahahaha

    anyway ... it's like i don't have any 'holes' to let air out? eesshhh ... susah tau. but i'm like sucking all the air in like a big vacuum ... lagi la rasa bloated & berangin huhuhu

    kalau abg din ada ... dia sentuh je, dia sendawa and i feel fine. lega like i'm the one yg sendawa ... psychologically kut hehehe

    i'm feeling better today. zantac & immodium are helping me alot compared to controloc & limotil.

    insyaAllah i'll be better tmrw. *hugs* miss ya, adel.
