Sunday, March 25, 2012


when should we start taking care of our parents? how do we take care of them?

i'm sure everyone would have their answers to these questions.

for me ... it starts the minute i can do things for them or help them.

all this while, i am so used to helping my mother with about everything that has to do with our duties as a wife.

early morning saturdays or sundays (maybe both), i would always take her to the market. a few times a week, i'd do her grocery shopping.

eversince i got pregnant, i've been banned from driving for reasons i really understand and appreciate.

but it breaks my heart to see her struggling going to the market by herself. well, she does bring a maid along but it's the driving that is tiring her. sometimes my dad helps and takes her there. sometimes so does my husband. but usually, it is always me.

i have two brothers who live apart from the family but occasionally come for a visit.

i dare admit, none of them ever offered to help our parents with anything. they're still the same spoiled kids who grew up into spoiled adult brats! oh, they do do things but only for themselves & their nucleus family.

i woke up this morning fuming mad.

my mother went to the market today. father drove her.

what i am angry about is ... my brothers know going to the market on weekends is a ritual. can't they offer to take her instead of being asked to?

i am really disappointed in them.

so this morning i started wondering when do we start taking care or helping our parents? definitely not only when they start being feeble!

Ya Allah, we are going to have a child now ... please help me raise him or her into a loving, caring & helpful child. aminn.

*memang sya patut tegur tapi takkan dah umur 35 & 37 nak kena beritahu?

** let's be a lil more considerate to our aging parents.

1 comment:

  1. u're not the only with "problematic" lil brothers huhu...whats wrong eh? is it something to do with the way our parents (mothers especially) brought them up? maklum la anak lelaki kan...manja too much??

    but on the other hand, i've heard that sons who are way too helpful or being under ketiak parents (in this case mama's boys) can cause heartache and stress to their wives coz the wives will feel how to balance that eh? LOL :P
