Tuesday, December 28, 2010

i don't mind going anywhere, doing anything alone but when i feel lonely, it starts to hurt!


Monday, December 20, 2010

what's in a term?

I think I am a 'foodie'and I use the term loosely :o)

This week ...

This week will be a bit ... hectic? ruffled? chaotic? normal?

Normal ... with some tweaks.

What will this week have instore for me? Let me see ...

Monday - blue mood. Still at home. Don't feel like going to the 'office' but looking forward to having 'tea' (at 6pm? hehehe) with a friend.

Tuesday -  by hook or crook, I have to get into the office. Need to get a move on those fabrics.

Wednesday - SIL is arriving from KB later in the evening. Need to pack a bag for a sleep over or two.

Thursday - if confirmed, will be visiting a newborn, bring a friend to the 'showroom' and then back to KL. Maybe a late movie ... ?

Friday - on this special day, hubby will be on his annual leave and his BIL (my biras) will arrive from Karachi in the morning. I also need to get ready for Saturday's potluck. Need to sleep at home (not in KL) to cook.

Saturday - potluck at lunch, a wedding at night. Then back to SIL's house?

Sunday - so far, no plans!

Monday Blues ....

Monday's here again.

Am in a blue mood.

Tak sampai jejak ke pejabat hehehe

As they say ... malas tahap gaban? dewa? whatever!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ne-Yo - One In A Million

despite the video, i love the lyrics. i love you!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Pasartani & short ribs

Mama's not well. Since they got back from Haj, they haven't had a good rest yet. Mama is just starting to get her jetlag and coming down with fever & flu.

Sunday is marketing day. Since she's not well, I volunteered to go.

If you ever want the best beef cut, you have to be there early. As far back as I can remember, I always follow my mama to pasartani before 7am.

So this morning I was there at 6.45am and the beef stall was just about to set up hehehe

Fillet 2 batang, keting 2 biji. Then I ordered for myself some short ribs. I have never bought any before and I wanted to try and cook it. I had a craving for grilled BBQ short beef ribs ... yum....!

Bought everything else that was on the list and sent to my parents' home. Abah's car is not in the garage - he's out to golf. Jenguk mama jap, kesian demam. I let her sleep.

By 8.15am I was at home again. Hubby's still asleep.

I have this urge to eat bbq ribs but I have never made it before. I don't even have a working oven! Hmm ... macamana ek?

Browsed through some recipes on the web and peeked into my fridge to see what I have on hand.

I have black pepper sauce, BBQ sauce, bawang merah, garlic, chilli & tomato sauce, carrots, 1 med yellow-skinned onion, cilipadi, some frozen chicken stock, butterhead salad & 3-grain bread.

So what did I do? Washed the ribs; made a sauce mix of black pepper, bbq & tomato sauces (put half aside); diced the onions; blended some cilipadi, shallots & garlic; & karate-chopped some carrots - all went into a pot with some water, chicken stock & ribs. Taste the mixture first before putting in the ribs.

1.5-2 hours later, the meat was soft & tender.

Then I heated the griddle with some olive oil, dipped the ribs in the remaining sauce mixture and grilled them on the hot griddle - to caramalised the ribs & carrots.

When done, served on a plate with fresh butterhead salad leaves & 2 slices of 3-grain bread.

My Thoughts

It was heaven, if I may say so myself! The camera wasn't working and hubby didn't want to wait any longer - hence, no pictures huhuhu

I am so proud with myself. I now have a new recipe. I plan to make this for my parents soon :o)

Lagi sedap dari dibeli di restaurant hehehe

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Selamat Menyambut Tahun Baru, Maal Hijrah 1432.

As we close our books with ALLAH's forgiveness, may we start new ones with ALLAH's blessings.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Food Rules - An Eater's Manual

This is one of my best investment on books.

In a time where I always question the 'halal' & 'non-halal' of food in restaurants throughout Klang Valley; struggle with what to eat & not with regards to losing weight, balancing my hormones & being healthy, and how to go back to healthy basics when it comes to food & preparing them for my family - this book is an eye-opener.

Pollan's rules are a collection of wisdom from your great-grandmother & Mak Som, and food policies (from different cultures) to help simplify your eating life.

He made me realize how much my view of food had changed over the years and I find myself wanting to jump off the millennium wagon where people do not see food as a whole but based on scientific nutritional values which some I can't even pronounce, let alone understand or know what they are!

There are 64 rules for eating healthily & happily which are self-explanatory or accompanied by 1-2 short paragraphs of explanation.

Here are a few which I love and are definitely becoming my policies towards food:

#1 - Eat Food (nothing that comes through a window or in a box)

#2 - Don't eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn't recognize as food.

#19 - If it came from a plant, eat it; if it was made in a plant, don't.

#20 - It's not food if it arrived through the window of your car. (no McDs!)

#21 - It's not food if it's called by the same name in every language. (Think Big Mac, Cheetos or Pringles)

#23 - Treat meat as a flavoring or special occasion food.

#36 - Don't eat breakfast cereals that change the color of the milk.

#37 - The whiter the bread, the sooner you'll be dead.

#39 - Eat all the junk food you want as long as you cook it yourself.

#60 - Treat treats as treats.

#63 Cook.

It's just common sense. I welcome the reminder and InsyaAllah, I will put these rules into practice. I hope sharing this with you will also enlighten your life :o)

Bye-bye, wagon!