Monday, April 25, 2011


i'm the kind of person who seldoms stay put. i am always on the move, doing something, meeting someone or just plain stay at home in my own home.

just sitting around, eat, sleep and nothing else is driving me nuts! and it's just the 4th day.

i hope our iui project will bring positive results.

home is where my heart is ... my home. freedom & privacy are where home is.

of course i love being at my parents but i want to go home.

i think of all the dusts that is accumulating since it has been left empty for 4 days.

i remember the food i'd cook in my kitchen. here, i have to follow the rules of this house. makan nasi 2-3x sehari ...waduhhhh! i can make my own food but what i need aren't available. i'd have to depend on my mum and i don't want to bother her.

i don't know how long i'm not allowed to drive :o(

Ya Allah ... ini sebahagian dari pengorbanan sya utk mendapat zuriat. Ya Allah, tenangkan hatiku. Ya Allah, sya mintak ampun. sya sedar sya harus redha dgn dugaan ini. astaghafirullahala'zim!


  1. aminnn. semoga yang terbaik untuk kak sya n keluarga.

  2. tqvvm, alia! tak sempat k.sya nak jumpa alia. kita tunggu mama alia balik, kita berjumpa ye :o)
